Meet our founders
Senior Pastors of Believers Faith Outreach Ministries, International Drs. Edison & Mattie Nottage have founded the revolutionary Transformation, Empowerment & Mentorship for Purpose Program (T.E.M.P) for Youth & Children of all walks of life.
Drs. Edison & Mattie Nottage have been actively involved in youth work for almost four decades and have uncovered a revolutionary “formula” which has brought radical change for challenged, misdirected, and disadvantaged youth.
Together, Drs. Nottage have launched several successful transformation and empowerment youth programs such as, Faith Village for Boys and Girls, The Trailer Boys Transformation Boot Camp and the Youth-A-Fire Transformation & Empowerment Program, The “Boys To Men” and “Girls of Excellence” Clubs, and more.
As a result of their work with youth and children, they were awarded a Proclamation of State by the Miami-Dade County in the state of Florida. The revolutionary TEMP Program is the culmination of years of experience in mentoring, developing, and enhancing the lives of youth and children, everywhere.
Our programs are designed to enhance spiritual growth and maturity, facilitate skills and purpose development, build moral character, promote self-esteem and positive achievement, opportunities for participation in fine arts activities and the performing arts, encourage career development, reinforce discipline and more, all in a safe, structured, God-centered environment.
The T.E.M.P program is designed for youth and children ages 2 - 25 years old. Our programs include but are not limited to Character Development, Sports, Entrepreneurship, The Fine Arts, Performing Arts, and more, delivered through the mediums of: The Girls of Excellence, Boys to Men and more.
The T.E.M.P program is designed for youth and children ages 2 - 25 years old. Our programs include but are not limited to Character Development, Sports, Entrepreneurship, The Fine Arts, Performing Arts, and more, delivered through the mediums of: The Girls of Excellence, Boys to Men and more.
• An Athletics Program
• Performing Arts Program
• Fine Arts Program
• Life Essential Skills Program
• Character Development Program
• Leadership Skills Development Program
• Youth Forums, Seminars & Talent Jams
• Youth Discussion Panels
• The TEMP Cadet Corp
• Career Development & Entrepreneurship Training
• “Circle of Truth” Transformation Module
• S.O.B.E.R. Module
• …And More!
will build character, instill Christian values, enhance personal gifts, talents, and abilities while cultivating essential life skills in youth and children of all walks of life who are destined to become world changers.
Youth-A-Fire – A faith-based initiative where children, youth, and young adults, ages 12 – 21 years, from all walks of life, can encounter the fiery presence of God. During these dynamic sessions, young people conduct every aspect of the worship experience; embracing and celebrating the presence of God in a language they understand.
TEMP Club: Boys To Men – The Boys To Men TEMP Club is a transformation, empowerment, and discipline initiative which seeks to foster Christian values and moral character in the lives of young men. Further, this club seeks help young men transition from adolescence to puberty to young adulthood. This unique club is geared towards changing negative mindsets and attitudes, while developing each young man’s body, soul, and spirit.
TEMP Club: Girls of Excellence – The Girls of Excellence TEMP Club is a transformation, empowerment, and discipline initiative which seeks to foster Christian values and moral character in the lives of young women, everywhere. Further, this club seeks help young women transition from adolescence to puberty to young adulthood. This unique club is geared towards changing negative mindsets and attitudes, while developing each young man’s body, soul, and spirit.
Youth Forums/Conferences/Events – These unique sessions are youth-oriented and designed to help advance young people socially, spiritually, professionally, economically, culturally, and more. These empowerment sessions seek to enhance the special gifts, talents, and abilities which lie within each young person.
Kingdom Kids – This modern day “Children’s Church” is hosting by children from the ages of 5 to 11 years old. Mantled with a gift from God, young children are given the opportunity to lead the praise and worship, pray, preach, and prophecy as they have been anointed. During these sessions, all children experience salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and various levels of deliverance.
Our TEMP program caters to the holistic development of body, soul, and spirit of each participant. Our overall transformation program functions on the SOBER Module, a unique formula designed by Drs. Edison & Mattie Nottage that has proven to bring transformable change in the lives of youth and children. During this program, we implement several strategies to successfully deal with issues such as: • Anger Management • Conflict Resolution • Goal Setting • Creating A. Drug-Free Youth • Discipline & Self Control • Building Self-Esteem • Overcoming Peer Pressure • Health & Hygiene
Camp Believe – An annual initiative created for children, youth, and young people to receive reinforcement in areas of character development, spiritual enrichment, and moral values in a faith-based environment. This powerful Youth Retreat is conducted outdoors, along with intimate closed sessions with trained, experienced Counsellors.
In order to facilitate this comprehensive program we are constructing a state-of-the-art multipurpose facility that will house our Transformation Center, Athletics Field, Fine Arts Studio and Performing Arts Facility.
In order to fulfill this vision, we need your help! Your partnership and generous support will help us complete our T.E.M.P. Center and begin transforming the lives of our Youth & Children everywhere.
Call 888.825.7568 or 242.698.1383
Log on to our website at or
We look forward to partnering with you as together we work to change the nations, one youth at a time!